Cheap home remedy for smooth, glowing skin!


I cannot recommend this homemade (and I am all about homemade!) recipe enough for clear, smooth, and an even skin tone. This face and body scrub is a definite favourite of mine!

First things first, in no way shape or form am I taking credit for the following. My concoction has been derived from other numerous ones I have found on the internet and one that I have tweaked to work for me. I will be forever grateful to the many women (and maybe some men, we don’t know!) that voiced the basis of this creation. So to them all, I thank you!

If you’re anything like me, then you sometimes (most of the times) suffer from adult acne. Which you know, is such bullshit! I may act like it but I’m not a teenager anymore, so couldn’t I have been able to move on from this!? It couldn’t possibly be because of all the chocolate and alcohol I consume…

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And I know what you’re thinking, I’ve heard this all before! I know, because I used to think that! And take it from me, I’ve used all the skin care products under the sun to combat my problem and yet all it did was irritate and sometimes burn my skin. But honestly, whether you suffer from the occasional blemish or are full-blown, I beg you to try this out. Even if you don’t suffer acne at all, this will only make your skin smoother and brighter. You literally have nothing to lose. Nothing has ever worked for me like this recipe. Unless you’re allergic to any of the following ingredients. Then don’t do it.

But first, a little bit about the healing properties of these incredible ingredients. I searched the web and this is what I found:


Lemon Juice

The vitamin C found in lemons help to neutralize free radicals linked to aging. With its high level of antioxidants and vitamin C it supports healthy and glowing skin. With its acidic content, it also lightens and brightens skin tone. Which is also why people use lemon juice to do highlights in their hair! Think “chemical peel” but natural and not harsh.


Honey is antibacterial. So it helps in eradicating the acne causing bacteria by fighting infection. Along with also being anti-inflamatory, it literally leaches redness from your skin. It is also said to help smooth out wrinkles. Who doesn’t love that?!

Olive Oil

Olive oil contains three major antioxidants: vitamin E, polyphenols, and phytosterols. Don’t ask me what that all means, it’s just what I’ve read. Olive oil penetrates deeply into the skin while providing a cleansing effect so doesn’t actually clog your pores. I’ve tried both olive oil and coconut oil scrubs and I do prefer olive oil.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The human skin is acidic in nature. When the skin becomes alkaline, it becomes prone to various problems like acne. Being acidic, apple cider vinegar is good for maintaining the pH balance of the skin. It is an effective antiseptic with antibacterial properties. So it keeps away pathogens like bacteria from the skin.


There is literally nothing beneficial to sugar in a scrub other than how it provides an exfoliant quality to scrub away dead skin cells. I use plain old white sugar but you can use any type of sugar from brown to caster. Just keep in mind that you are rubbing this into your skin so I would suggest a finer sugar.

And so, now that we’re well acquainted with the ingredients, let’s make some scrub!

***Lemon Sugar Scrub***

1 tbsp fresh lemon juice, olive oil, and honey

1 tsp Apple cider vinegar

3/4 – 1 cup white sugar

Whisk juice, honey, oil, and vinegar together. Stir through sugar. Apply to face and body in circular motions and then leave on for 10-20 mins and then rinse with warm water. You could literally do this just before jumping into the shower! I do ๐Ÿ˜‰

And that is IT!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this update and if you do try it out or have any questions please comment below ๐Ÿ™‚

Hook on!

Binny & Gribble xo

4 thoughts on “Cheap home remedy for smooth, glowing skin!

  1. I just made up a batch. Took all of 5 mins. Stood in the shower with my little jar and rubbed in handfuls from head to toe. Then turned the water on and continued to rub while washing it away and now my skin feels like softened butter!!! ๐Ÿ˜

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